
If you are reading this page then it is likely you are hoping to find a connection, someone you can work towards trusting, someone who can help…..

So many of us struggle through life, feeling as if we have no one to turn to if things get difficult. We may be caring for those around us, or have commitments and obligations – families, work – that we have to put first. Friends have their own problems and don’t need ours too. We forget about looking after ourselves and our needs become unimportant. This is how stress builds up. Stress can be one of the early signs of anxiety, depression or something more.

This is where therapy can help. Talking to a professional, who is not involved in your life in any other way, can be liberating. Your therapist will not talk about your sessions to anyone else and you will have a confidentiality agreement between you to keep you safe. The sessions will be led by you, the space is yours to address any issues that are on your mind, from relationships, work, family dynamics, or your own thoughts and feelings.

As a trained listener your therapist will pick up on the things you are not saying as well as the things you are, and begin to understand your concerns and your distress. You may feel confused, hurt or have difficult decisions to make. It is understandable how hard this can feel when you are trying to cope with life’s demands. Unravelling some of this with your therapist can allow you to see things more clearly and to realise possibilities that you had not considered.

Personal awareness can be such a powerful thing as we go through life. Knowing ourselves better -what drives us, what is our motivation – is a key to happiness and success. We all have the potential to change, both ourselves and our situations.

At Langley Therapy we offer:

Individual Therapy

This can be for adults, young people or children.

Adults – at Langley Therapy we truly appreciate that everyone is unique. This will mean that your needs for therapy will also be unique, and we do not believe in a ‘one size fits all’ form of therapy. We all have our own story, and helping you tell yours is our responsibility.

Young People and Children – We accept self-referrals or referrals from GPs and the Children Mental Health team. Langley Therapy have experience of working with children from the age of 4 years to late teenage young people. Diverse skills are required to work within this client group, and when choosing a therapist to work with your child/teen please do ensure they are experienced.

Couples Therapy

For people wanting to address relationship issues together. It is for current couples or ex couples – perhaps in order to enable better communication, custody agreements, etc  The therapist will mainly see the couple together, but there may be sessions where you will be asked to attend individually.

Family Therapy

Sometimes family therapy is recommended by an outside referrer, for example, the Community Mental Health team (CAMHs). But sometimes it becomes apparent that a young person or child who is attending therapy would benefit from all family members attending together. This will be discussed with the therapist of course.

Frequently Asked Questions about Therapy

  • How does it help?

Therapy helps by enabling you to understand yourself, your patterns and the way you tick. Your therapist will challenge you to look at yourself and often your history and help you make sense of where you are.

  • What happens in a session?

We talk…. Talking therapy has been around since the late 1800s. When issues go around inside your head they can feel insurmountable, we can’t see a way out. One thing leads to another and sometimes we can feel as if there is no answer. We call this cyclical thinking. Voicing our concerns out loud can allow us to see another way.

Talking really works.

  • How long will it take?

How long is a piece of string? Therapy is a very personal process and for that reason it is very difficult to give a time-line in advance to anyone seeking therapy. What we do know is that very little can happen in one session. Most clients attend somewhere between 12 and 30 sessions – a few less and many longer. You should be able to have an idea following your first few sessions of the commitment needed.

  • How much does it cost?

The fee for sessions with individuals is £50 per session (50 minutes). The first session is considered a meeting session, it is half an hour long and is free of charge. This is an opportunity for us to discover whether we are a good fit. If you, or I, don’t feel this is the case we can discuss it and I will be able to refer you to another therapist or specialist agency as necessary.

  • What can we help with?
We have experience of working with a variety of issues:

It is really difficult to name all of the issues we have worked with over the years. Especially as some clients come to focus on their anxiety and we discover this is not the central issue…..

Please do call us or drop us a line via email to see if we can help.

‘Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.’ Barack Obama